Benefits of Reiki
I really love Reiki. I love giving it. I love receiving it. I love teaching it. I love it full stop. There are so many benefits that I experience and I wanted to use this blog to delve a little deeper into them. The benefits I have received from regularly receiving and being a channel for Reiki have literally changed my life in every way.
You’ve probably seen pictures, memes or posts outlining the benefits of Reiki and they all say something similar and true. Most people experience things like:
A feeling of deep relaxation and peace
A feeling of harmony both within the self and with other people and the World
Relief from or healing of depression, anxiety and stress
Pain relief
Relief from many physical ailments
A feeling of connection to the Universe/Spiritual Guides
A feeling of connection to one’s own intuition and clarity of thought
A boost to the immune system
All of these are benefits of Reiki and I have experienced them all first hand. It is easy to access all these benefits of Reiki in a healing session. My experience as a recipient but also from feedback from my own clients is that the benefits of an individual Reiki session can last for the rest of that day and often over a few days. The benefits of Reiki can be experienced for longer and more deeply with a steady routine of healing sessions whether it is to have Reiki regularly while working through something specific or to have at regular intervals as part of an overall self-care routine. As a Teacher I channel Reiki every day for my own self-healing as well as for clients and when I am teaching. This means that I am always in a state of receiving the benefits. What that looks like is that I generally keep in very good physical health. I very rarely get ill and when I do Reiki means I heal quicker and generally experience only mild symptoms. I am usually in a state of vitality and health that feels very good. Reiki has helped me recover from and counteract anaemia which dogged me for years. It also helps me with the willingness to eat more healthily and exercise moderately. I feel more called to look after my health because Reiki connects me into my wellbeing.
It’s not just physical and health benefits that I have received either. When connected to Reiki I feel a deep sense of peace and connection to both the Earth and the Heavens. I have a feeling of being grounded, supported and held. I feel that when I was first attuned to Reiki I was placed into the River of Reiki and when I allow myself to flow with it good things happen for me. Often I forget this and I will try to swim against the tide or hold onto the riverbank and struggle but eventually I remember that all I need to do is let go. When I do this it allows me to flow with the go - in other words flow with what is naturally in forward motion in my life. I feel like Reiki supports my life purpose and soul journey. I am held and guided as long as I choose to listen.
Reiki supports me emotionally. When I tune in to Reiki it allows me to gain clarity about what I am feeling and supports me in bringing my feelings to the surface for healing and release. Reiki sometimes feels like an emotional anaesthetic, allowing me to be aware of my feelings and receive healing without necessarily having to experience the pain. It helps me keep calm in conflict and eases my relationships. I can send Reiki to my relationships which helps them to be as healthy as possible by bringing healing to the relationship as a whole. Reiki also supports my emotional healing to allow me to be healthy in my communication and boundaries as well as my behaviour. It’s also helped me with things like letting go of what other’s think of me and bringing me to a natural state of self-love which has been a long time coming but totally worth the wait!
Reiki awakens and helps me develop my intuition which is great when I am working with clients or teaching and also very helpful in every day life. It has helped me towards clear thinking and intention, bringing me towards my Authentic Self and helping me create the life I have today. When I was first attuned to Reiki I was living in Australia, I was married, both my parents were still alive. All these facts about my life have changed now and the transition of all that happening was difficult in the moment but I feel the life I have today is a real expression of my Authentic Self. I am living in freedom as a sovereign being in my own power. Yes there are things I would like to change and work towards but I can see the changes I have already made when I look back and I know Reiki will continue to hold me for the next stage of my journey and beyond.
It’s also just great to have access to Reiki on a daily basis. I Reiki my food and drink so that I get the most nutrition and benefit from what comes into my body. I have placed Reiki symbols in my shower so that the water is full of Reiki which washes over me and cleanses my energy. Reiki protects my body, loved ones, home and car alongside Archangel Michael. Reiki helps me sleep if I wake in the middle of the night. Reiki is a great thing to have in my pocket as a Mum. I give my kids Reiki if they are sad, upset, not well, hurt themselves or can’t sleep. My youngest child is also now attuned to Reiki which is a real blessing as I get to receive as well.
I love being able to spread the joy of Reiki wherever I go. We don’t simply get attuned to Reiki, we become Reiki. Everywhere we walk leaves Reiki footprints and everything we touch is infused with Reiki. I can be of service by simply going to the supermarket and consciously spreading a bit of love and Reiki. I can send Reiki into the energetic field that connects us all so that some of the fear and conflict that is in our field can dissipate. I can offer Reiki to my friends and family and the best bit is that I get to work with it every day with clients and students.
If my words have whet your appetite for Reiki feel free to message me to come along for a session to see what all the fuss is about! I will also be teaching Reiki again next year so you can register your interest for classes and I’ll keep you updated with dates.
Wishing you all many Reiki hugs and blessings. I hope your day is full of love and Reiki joy.