
What is Reiki?

The word Reiki can be broken down into the word Rei meaning Spiritual Wisdom and Ki meaning Life Force. It is commonly translated as Universal Life Force Energy. Reiki is safe, gentle and non-intrusive. It works by triggering the natural ability that we each have within us to heal ourselves. It works deeply at all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It works individually with each person’s energy, taking them on a journey of healing at their own pace and within their own ability to heal. It does not force us forward before we are ready although it can remove any blocks to healing that we may have. It balances, harmonises and can bring us into awareness and encourage our personal growth.

For me I feel like I am always held in the River of Reiki. I flow with it and it flows through me. The River of Reiki heals me, guides me, supports me, clears my path. I can give myself Reiki, share it with others or send it to situations and places. For me it is the highest ideal of love in action.

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Reiki Healing

You can choose to come to me in person for a Reiki healing session or receive a Distance Reiki healing in the comfort of your own home while we are connected on Zoom. I have a treatment room set up at home. For a face-to-face session you lie fully clothed on the treatment bed and we make sure you are comfortable. Before the treatment we have a chat to make sure you have told me everything you feel you need to and had the chance to ask me any questions. All you need to do from then on is to relax and let me take care of the rest.

I work with both Usui Holy Fire ® III energy and Karuna ® Reiki energy. I connect in with Reiki and allow it to channel through my body and out through my hands. I may place my hands directly on your body (with your permission) or work slightly away from your body. Reiki can also be sent through the breath and with the eyes.

Karuna means compassionate action and Karuna ® Reiki is unique in that it offers the opportunity for healing with the voice. It can be channelled in the usual way but also the symbols can be chanted, toned or sang. For me this is a very special kind of Reiki connecting deeply in with love and compassion. It promotes the journey to the authentic self and has a transformational quality to it.

Most people experience Reiki as being relaxing and gentle. A lot of people fall asleep during a healing. You might feel sensations from my hands or in your body like warmth, coolness, tingling sensations. You might see colours or have intuitive thoughts. You might feel nothing but a deep sense of peace and relaxation. Sometimes it will bring emotions to the surface and tears may come but this is all part of the healing process and I always have tissues handy. Everyone is different so you can just trust your own body and your own experience.

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Learn Reiki

Anyone can learn Reiki and I love teaching it so if it calls you feel free to contact me to ask me how we can start your journey of Reiki learning. I offer dates for courses throughout the year so check out the Courses and Workshops page. If you don’t see a date that is convenient you can register your interest and I’ll keep you posted with dates.

Levels of Reiki

Connection to Reiki is given through a series of Placements and later on Ignitions facilitated and guided by a Reiki Master Teacher such as myself. Although once attuned you are always attuned, continuing to receive placements and ignitions can be a very healing and empowering experience too.

Rather than thinking of the levels as a hierarchy where I am achieving promotion to each level, I like to think of it as a deepening. Each level of Reiki that I am attuned to allows me to go deeper within myself, access deeper healing and connect to Reiki more deeply. We are all equals. A Master Teacher is not ‘better’ than someone with Reiki I. We are each on our own individual journey.

The process is as follows:-

Reiki I – Placing your feet on the path of Reiki. Allows you to give yourself Reiki and share it with your family and friends.

Reiki II – The Practitioner Level – You are inviting a deeper level of healing for yourself as you set up as a Practitioner so you can share Reiki with clients. You receive access to the Reiki Symbols at this level which will enhance and take forward your Reiki practice.

Reiki Master Practitioner – Advance Reiki Techniques – Again inviting a deeper level of healing for yourself as you receive the Master Symbol and learn advanced techniques.

Reiki Master Teacher – Allows you to attune others to Reiki and confirms your commitment to the path of Reiki. You do not have to teach once you become a Master Teacher. You might simply choose to take your Reiki practice to this level for yourself and that is perfectly fine.

Once attuned a recipient will remain open to Reiki for the rest of their life. The more that this channel to Reiki is used the stronger the connection will become. As the person giving the Reiki you are a channel. The Reiki comes through you, clears away any blockages and gives healing to you before moving out usually through your hands and into the recipient. Reiki compliments and fits in alongside other therapies very easily and amplifies the affects of other therapies.

The Original Reiki Ideals

The secret art of inviting happiness

The miraculous medicine of all diseases

Just for today, do not be angry

Do not worry and be filled with gratitude

Devote yourself to your work and be kind to people

Every morning and evening join your hands in prayer

Pray these words to your heart and chant these words with your mouth

Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind

The founder …Usui Mikao