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About Angels

I love Angels. I love working with them. I love talking with them. I love seeing how they help me in my life by easing my path and giving me their support and love.

Angels are celestial beings of love that are here to help, guide and support us in every way so that we can do what our souls came here to do. They hold the blueprint for our highest expression and purpose and want to help us towards this as much as possible. They do not have a physical body as their vibration is much higher/faster than ours but if you are clairvoyant, you might be able to see them. For me it’s more of a sense that they are with me. I often get the feeling of seeing something or someone just in the corner of my eye but when I look there is nothing there. They also appear in our photographs in the form of orbs and you may also see orbs yourself. They are androgynous and have no gender but we may feel them as masculine or feminine as we interact with them because we need a masculine or feminine energy. They love to leave signs that they are with you whether it be a feather, showing you a rainbow, repetitive numbers, speaking to you through song lyrics or even through adverts on the television.

We each have a Guardian Angel who is with us throughout our lifetimes – guiding and supporting us, nurturing and loving us. We may well have many other angels working with us as any time and as we get to know Angels we can actively call in the ones we want to work with for specific reasons. The crucial thing about Angels is that they respect our free will which means that they can only help us if we ask for it. If we don’t ask them to help they are powerless to intervene unless our life is in danger before our time. It’s very easy to ask an angel for help. Just speak as if you were speaking to a person you can see in front of you and ask for what you need or say how you feel. They will always work for your highest good so the help might not look or feel how you expect but it will always come.

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Angel Healing

You can come and receive an Angel Healing from me which is a lovely way to connect in with Angels. Similar to a Reiki treatment, you would like fully clothed on my treatment table and I will connect in with and channel Angel energy. I may place my hands on your body (with your permission) or near your body in your aura. You may have a sense of Angels near you or you may feel them communicate with you. You might get heat, coolness or tingling in your body. Most people feel very relaxed and calm and some even fall asleep.

For me Angel Energy feels very powerful yet gentle. I always feel safe and held deeply in a loving energy. I often feel reassured, and it helps to calm me down as I connect in to the idea that I have all the help, support and love that I need. Often Angels and Archangels will make themselves known during a healing and I will channel their energy for you. My two most regular visitors are Archangel Michael who is the great protective Archangel who can release fear and bring courage as well as giving protection and helping us cut ties to anything that we no longer need. Archangel Raphael is known as the Divine Physician and can help us with anything to do with our health, wellbeing and healing as well as protecting us when travelling.

One of my next projects is to write an Angel Healing Course based on how I was taught so that I can empower you to do your own Angel Healing for yourself and you loved ones. Watch this space and if you are interested let me know and I’ll put you on the list.